Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's the little things

I'm happy for the small victories. Small victories combine to win big battles and big battles combine to win the war.

This morning, I put on my jeans and they weren't tight. In the past, I had to break-in fresh washed jeans. This time - not so much. They fit right straight from the hanger. Plus, this morning I broke the 300 barrier and am down to 298.6. I've been eating better for a week and exercising for almost that long...and it's starting to pay off.

Breaking the barrier was good...however, for the first time in awhile, I noticed my body fat measurement. Currently it's 54% (GASP, SHOCK, MOAN). Well, there goes the notion that I'm just "big-boned" (LOL!)

I'm adding it to the official goal list.

Current 54%
Target: 25 - 27%

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