Friday, February 1, 2008

the week that was

yes, i know it's been a minute.

things on this end have been busy. i did make it to kickboxing twice (happy) and made healthy choices (happy).work was good but long and draining this week. i wanted to go kickboxing for a third time...but was beyond fatigued wednesday and worked late on thursday. pasa lo que pasa.

but more importantly i definitely feel better...even though i am really tired. went to the doctor about a week ago because the icky was back with a vengance. turns out it was a raging case of sinusitis. in addition to the meds, i temporarily went back to no meat, minimimal dairy and sugar. back in the day, when i was a vegetarian due to disordered eating. even though i was constantly tired, my skin was blech, and i was suffered injuries from overuse - i don't ever remember having lots of colds.

now that i'm in a better place with food, temporarily cutting out stuff to see if it helps my allergies/sinuses is not a dangerous proposition. for example - i went to a meeting and lunch was provided. sandwiches and a tossed salad. sandwich options - grilled chicken, tuna salad, curry chicken, turkey/cheese, ham/cheese, tomato/basil/mozarrella. and the salad was mixed greens, red grapes, pistachios, bleu cheese and vinaigrette. before, i would have complained out loud and made a big stink about what i don't eat. this time around - choose the tomato/basil/mozarrella sandwich, some salad and even had a brownie and small bag of potato chips (over the small bag of baby carrots). It was yummy and I didn't feel "guilty" or "bad", nor did I feel like I HAD to go to kickboxing to work it off.


Apex Zombie said...

It's nice to see another post from you :D

Glad to hear you're feeling better :)

And that sandwich sounded delicious. I love the tomato/basil/mozzarella combination.

Urban Chick said...
