Monday, February 4, 2008

Sticking to the plan

I really like kickboxing - which is why I am making a way in my schedule to go twice this week. I was supposed to go tonight...but then got called into a late meeting and then traffic. But I did get home in time (theoretically), but by the time I ate dinner it was 5 minutes until the class. Yeah, I live 15 minutes away from class.

So I'm putting a meeting in my schedule for Wednesday...a placeholder so that I can leave in time for kickboxing. The second kickboxing class will be on Saturday. I want to get to 2 weekday classes and a weekend class...but as Kepa so wisely reminded me - little steps.

Still doing the no meat/minimal dairy thing. Not only do I feel good, but my skin is clearer and I am getting more veggies/fruit/fiber. One watchout - I need to make sure that I eat enough to keep me sustained during the day. Since I haven't gone to kickboxing in the past few days, I haven't been as vigilant with making sure that I get enough of the right stuff.

Weight Watchers @ Work starts again next week. This time it's an 18 week program. Once again, if I attend 12 of the 18 meetings - the company will reimburse half of the fee. As the program is a good chunk of change, this is definitely an incentive. Of course, I need to make sure that I can attend 12 of the 18 meetings. See, my purpose at work is to actually work, so if I have meetings scheduled already, can't go to the meeting. On the other hand, I could attend "regular" meetings for the ones I miss and I would still get reimbursed.

I'll be honest, it is work. But it's worth it...because I'm worth it. The hardest part now is not the eating or the exercising, it's overcoming the hurdles that I put in place years ago. For example, now that I'm eating in a way that my body responds to positively - the "eat crap cuz you'll always be fat" reaction has been triggered. Last night I dug into a tub of ginger snaps from TJ's. Even when they made me nauseous, I continued to eat them. So I threw them out. The same thing happened with some Hint of Lime Tostitos.

Before, I would have just eaten all of the stuff and then felt bad - which would have led to more random eating. The exercise definitely quells some of that crap because I can work it out with the heavy bag. But I think that the biggest change for me has been spiritual. Definitely a lot more prayer and reflection. I also see/understand my worth. Plus it feels really good after a workout.


Apex Zombie said...

Glad to hear you're enjoying kickboxing :) And that you threw out the ginger snaps instead of continuing to eat them. Annnd it's good to hear that you're feeling good on your current diet.

So continue to be good :D

cmae said...

You consistently inspire me with your positive attitude. Thanks for this post. :-*

Urban Chick said...

Thanks for the supports. I really appreciate it.