Monday, February 18, 2008

Kickbox this!

On my way home from work I had the chance to converse with NMF#1. I called my sister's cell, expecting to hear my sister's voice, but instead NMF#1 answers (BTW, I love when that's always a bright spot in my day). One thing led to another and I told her I was going to kickboxing tonight.

NMF #1 (in the "Oh my goodness" voice that only 6 year olds can pull off):"Kickboxing?"
NMF # :"You're going kickboxing?"
Me: "Yep, it's like tae-bo except I get to hit and kick stuff"
NMF #1: "Cool."

And it was...for about half of the class. No kickboxing classes for a week took it's toll about half-way through. Actually, that's probably not it because when I started kickboxing - I was for all intents and purposes a couch potato. I think that the problem was that I wasn't well fed or hydrated prior to class. I'm not talking a 5-course meal, but I probably needed more than a gulp of water and an ounce of protein over an hour before classs. Usually, I have a semi-substantial snack 30 minutes before class. Next time I'll be more prepared.

That being said...for the 30 minutes I was there were awesome. My strikes were lethal and, for the first time, I got down the front kicks sans injury. I had no idea that I had all of that power in my limbs. The bag kept flying. Trust me, it was a good thing that it was attached to the floor and ceilings with chains!

Looking forward to going back and finishing the class!


Apex Zombie said...

That's just great! Well done for getting back into it! That's so good!

cmae said...