Friday, December 7, 2007

Back in the mix

I've finally been able to take a breath. I'm all moved into my temporary digs. The past few weeks have been very good...and stressful. My skin, hair and body all started to rebel from the stress.

Today was my first workout in over a felt so good. Since it's cold here in Jersey, I joined a gym. I walked to the gym and then got on the treadmill for 40 minutes and then did some ab work. However, this workout was different. In the past, I would have pushed myself to the breaking point so that I could get back on the weight loss band wagon quickly (1 hour of treadmill at a high incline/fast speed followed by 30 minutes of intense weights). Now, my focus was to alleviate stress and to get on the road to the place where I need to be so that I can play summer soccer.

I also found a Trader Joe's...which is one of my favorite grocery stores EVAH! I picked up some groceries (the anti-thesis of the junk food that I lived on during the move). Right before I moved, I discovered a snack mix of dried cranberries and shelled pistachios. So yummy. Pistachios are a good snack for stress relief and I'm sure dried cranberries are good for double bonus. Anyway, I got a bag of shelled roasted pistachios and a bag of dried cranberries from TJ's and made my own mix. A lot less expensive than the stuff from the store.

An even cooler food discovery - there's a giganto supermarket that's got amazing offerings. I picked up some frozen patties...peppery hot. So good. I also got some Malta. When I lived in Ghana, I drank Malta like it was going out of style. One day I may graduate to Guinness, but for now Malta is fine.

It's Friday evening of a long week. I think a long hot bath is in order.


Apex Zombie said...

Wow, you lived in Ghana?! That's awesome. Oh, and I've never tasted Malta, but Guinness is great. Nice and smooth.

Congrats on the work out, and joining a gym as well! And it's great you have the soccer goal, very cool. I used to play soccer as a kid, but I just lost interest :)

Urban Chick said...

Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm really looking forward to getting back on the pitch. I played when I was a kid...and dipped my little toe in undergrad...and then played half a season with a rec team a few years ago. This time, it'll stick :D

Yep. Me and Ghana...but that's a whole nother entry. I highly recommend it to everyone - it's a great mix of traditional and modern, easy to navigate, gorgeous terrain, wonderful history and people and awesome cuisine.

Nice and smooth? Maybe I'll try Guinness again one of these days.In the meantime, there's always Malta.