Friday, December 21, 2007


Yeah, so if you read the other blog, you know i'm still sick.

and have been sick for a minute now...

which means that the last trip to the gym two weeks ago was the last trip to the gym in two weeks. however, i have been making healthier choices at work for lunch. that has gone a long way to keeping my pants on the wearable side.

being sick and getting into the groove of work hasn't done much for the healthy eating outside of work. the first week, i did pretty well for breakfast but dinner was another story....

but there is a bright side!

i'm getting better. i'm not as sick as i was this morning. i've slept a lot today. i also took a brief walk and picked up some orange juice and chicken soup.

tomorrow i hit the airport for the journey to the nmf. talked with mommy today - when she heard i was sick, she thought i wasn't coming down. i'm sick...but not that sick. and besides, i'm getting better. :)

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