Saturday, November 17, 2007

Goodbye Frenemy

The moving date is less than TWO WEEKS away. As I was packing up my bathroom, the scale went on the Salvation Army pile. It was empowering and sad at the same time.


cmae said...

Wow. I hope it is more empowering than sad. Two weeks? I'll be thinking of you.

Urban Chick said...

Thanks for the thoughts.

Not so much sad as in "I'm sad to see it go", more sad as in "I've spent so many years obsessed with those three numbers on the scale when there is so much more to me than that."

I realized today that I have let the scale control since life was so focused on making those numbers smaller. That's 15 years and where did it get me - heavier than I was than when I started depending on the scale to define my self worth.

So it's definitely empowering. Strangely liberating and not sad anymore.